Thursday, April 29, 2010

Peace One Day, International Peace Day increasing World Peace

Maybe I’m optimistic, but I believe that we and our children can create world peace in our lifetime.  I hope the fear of our brothers and sisters dissolves, and our enjoyment of each other increases as we get to know each other better.

Here are some of my favorite inspiring youtube videos promoting world peace, fun, friendship and understanding. Watch the videos, and if you'd like to do something for Peace Day, check out what Jeremy Gilley and friends are doing for Peace One Day: 

Warning, these videos may induce smiles, laughter or tears:

Peace One Day Concert, Jeremy Gilley and Friends!

Alicia Keys, the proceeds from her concert and Contest to Win a Trip to Africa go to the organization

Free Hugs Campaign

Images with Peace Train music by Cat Stevens

Where the Hell is Matt?

The Day after Peace Trailer featuring Jeremy Gilley

Ramadan message from Jordan's Queen Rania

Michael Essien - One Day One Goal - Peace One Day

Imagine, song by John Lennon

Peace Love and Happiness Music

Peace of Mind, music by Boston

Somewhere Over the Rainbow, music by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Dance into the Light, music by Phil Collin

Masalama (peace),
Khadijah Meri

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dive into the Power of the Present Moment

Power in the Present Moment

Living life in modern society is, for many people, a stressful, busy, or dull existence.  As I travel across the country, people have shared with me their frustrations about the day-to-day grind that they find themselves in.  A few friends have admitted that their lives are now filled with so much worry, sadness and grief about world events that they feel completely overwhelmed. 

Where is the joy in a life full of worry about the future and frustration about the past?  This is how I was living a few years ago.  I had a near-death experience when I was younger, and now experienced another brush with death that transformed my life and taught me about the beauty and power of the present moment.

Every moment became precious.  I noticed thousands of things that before had gone unnoticed.  “Why was I in such a hurry?” I wondered.  As the days passed in my reborn life, I realized that my brush with death had shifted me into fully living in the present moment.  Watching my children, who instinctively live in the moment, reminded me that this is the natural way of being.

Life became an intensely enjoyable ride, even though life challenges still existed for me. At the same time, friends and acquaintances continued to speak of their current life as a dreary existence.   They wondered why I was so happy even in difficult situations. “What are you doing differently?” they asked.  At first, I didn't know how to describe the process or my transformation.

As my interest in spirituality grew into a passionate drive, I began to research spiritual and cultural traditions around the world.  Answers revealed themselves in the ancient wisdom that is a common thread throughout all of the spiritual paths. 

Here are some of the ancient teachings about staying centered in the power of this present moment and this day:

One of my favorite quotes inscribed near the Taj Mahal and thought to be written by Shah Jahan is "If on earth there be a paradise of bliss, it is this, it is this, it is this!"

The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton reminds us, “Don’t labor after riches first and think that afterwards you will enjoy them.  If you neglect the present moment, you throw away all that you have.”

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, “Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall.  Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day.  Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, until the sun goes down.  And this is all that life really means.”

Here is a Sanskrit verse about living in the present.  “Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope.  Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life.”

I find that if I focus on what I'm experiencing through my physical senses, I can easily find the beauty in the present moment.  My list of favorite delights for each of the senses looks like this:  

Sight sparkling eyes, forests, mountains, beaches, flowers, ancient structures, candlelight, artwork, simple luxuries, children, people from many cultures, animals in the wild, dolphins, whales, smiles from anyone, the face of a loved one  

Sound laughter, giggles, world music, drumming circles, baby sounds, rushing water, wonderful voices, chimes, angel whispers, wind in the trees  

Touch hugs, kisses, making love, crystals, stones, velvet, silk, lace, polished wood, flower petals, massages, polished beach stones, marble, soft rayon, silver, soft linen, gold, cotton, trees, pinecones, rocks, shells

Taste pure water, coffee with French vanilla and soy cream, chai with cinnamon, sea salt, fresh fruit, almonds, dates  

Fragrance roses, carnations, jasmine, clove, lilac, cinnamon, gardenia, sandalwood, aromatherapy essential oils, wood burning fire, freshly baked bread, spicy chai, aromatic coffee

If you like, find a pen and piece of paper and play with creating a list for yourself.  What are your favorite things to experience? Now that you’ve started your list, you can bring your favorite sensual delights into your daily experience.  Go on a playful hunt for treasures to bring into your home, heart and life.  Soon, you will find that your life on earth is full of treasures, blissful moments and wonderful memories.  Pampering yourself and your loved ones can be a very enjoyable pastime to weave into your routine.  Figure out new ways to do this.  Create treasure hunts for the people that are dearest to you. 

Stay focused on your experience in this moment.  Feel your connection and oneness with the infinite field of Consciousness and Unconditional Love.  You will sense the unchanging essence of your spirit and live a life filled with power to do whatever is before you.  Your unfolding creation will be a life full of compassion, healing and peace.  

Blessings on your journey,  

Khadijah Meri Arjumand  

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Peace Around the World

My three months were almost up in Morocco, and my stash of dirhams dwindling.  I flew back to the United States in the early days of April, to catch the end of the Seattle Rain Festival (September to May, you know).  ;p
Amazing and beautiful days with Rachid, his family and friends.  Thank you, everyone!  I loved every moment with you.

But, now I'm enjoying the glorious Pacific Northwest.  Ahhhhhhhh....the trees, must get out hiking and treehugging today!  Back with my friends and family and appreciating everything here, too.

International friendships, increased understanding and growing world peace.

Rachid and I finished a second coloring book during my travels in Morocco.  See the coloring books and coloring pages ebooks at
or you can find the books in print on by searching arjumand, khadijah

My favorite quotes right now:

"Imagine all the people living life in peace.  You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."   John Lennon

"If on earth there be a paradise of bliss, it is this, it is this, it is this!"  Jahan

Great meeting you here.
Masalama (peace),

Khadijah Meri

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Arabic: Learn to Read and Write in Arabic Print Book and eBook

Arabic: Learn to Read and Write with the Arabic Alphabet

Learn to read and write Arabic in fast, fun and easy ways!  Reading and Writing the Arabic Alphabet is a playbook that includes coloring activities and Arabic Alphabet flash cards to customize and cut up.  Get your coloring tools, learn the basics of the Arabic language and begin to read and write Arabic.

I wrote this ebook after working with several classes of children from ages 8 to 15 years old.  I found that an interactive playbook was the most fun and effective way to teach the Arabic alphabet for kids. 

This Beginners Arabic Playbook includes:
•Introduction to the Arabic Language
• How to Read, Pronounce and Write Arabic Letters and Words
• A Table of Arabic Letters, in all of their written forms
•Four Sets of Arabic Alphabet Flash Cards, Ready to Cut Up
• Arabic Vowel Sounds with a Diacritic Marks Chart
• Arabic Consonant Word Roots
•Arabic Numerals and their Names
• Fifteen Arabic Alphabet Coloring Pages

Each letter is shown in all its forms on one flash card.  Overlap the flash cards to form words, names, phrases and sentences. 

Ideal for travelers and students, this playbook is also a great resource for parents and teachers who encourage the love of language in kids.  Enjoy art activities at home as a fun way to supplement language learning.   

Whether you want to learn Arabic for fun, friendship, study, business or travel, by the time you finish this playbook you’ll be reading and writing in Arabic! 

Reading level: Ages 8 – 128

If you prefer an instantly downloadable and printable ebook,
Masalama (peace),
Khadijah Meri

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome, Marhaba!

I'm traveling in Morocco now, sharing about peace, taking photos and creating videos that include some English, French and Arabic. Learning more Moroccan Arabic (Darija) words every day!  Rachid, my partner in life, is leading me on a beautiful journey through Morocco that's full of delights for the senses!

Over the last five years I've stayed in Pakistan, United Arab Emirates and Morocco. My heart found its home in the Arabic-speaking countries during my first year of international travel, no matter where else in the world I went.  I found fast and fun ways to learn Arabic as I traveled.  Now Rachid and I share many cultural riches in Cultural Exchange Playshops for children and adults around the world.

Contrary to popular beliefs, I find the people here to be kind, sweet, happy, generous, open, loving and friendly. I'm an American, and everyone I've met genuinely likes Americans and loves American culture! We listen to American music, Arabic music and watch TV shows from many countries. Yesterday I watched a few MTV programs that have been translated into Arabic! Really funny to watch Ashton Kutcher's Punked with subtitles, and Pimp My Ride in Arabic! Many of our programs are watched with enjoyment, tenderness and intrigue.

Some of my friends and family members have been afraid that my experiences here might be horrific. I hope that the blog posts and photos bring international understanding, friendships and increased peace.  Maybe I’m optimistic, but I believe that we and our children can create world peace in our lifetime.  I hope the fear of our Arabic-speaking brothers and sisters dissolves, and our enjoyment of each other increases as we get to know each other better.

Here are some of my favorite inspiring videos promoting world peace, fun, friendship and understanding. Watch the videos, and if you'd like to do something for Peace Day, check out what Jeremy Gilley and friends are doing for Peace One Day: Warning, these videos may induce smiles, laughter or tears:

Peace One Day Concert, Jeremy Gilley and Friends!

Alicia Keys, the proceeds from her concert and Contest to Win a Trip to Africa go to the organization

Free Hugs Campaign

Images with Peace Train music by Cat Stevens

Where the Hell is Matt?

The Day after Peace Trailer featuring Jeremy Gilley

Ramadan message from Jordan's Queen Rania

Michael Essien - One Day One Goal - Peace One Day

Imagine, song by John Lennon

Peace Love and Happiness Music

Peace of Mind, music by Boston

Somewhere Over the Rainbow, music by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Dance into the Light, music by Phil Collin

Masalama (peace),
Khadijah Meri